Certain verbal congruences on the free trioid

Anatolii V. Zhuchok


Loday and Ronco introduced the notion of a trioid as an algebra defined on a set with three binary associative operations. Every trialgebra is a linear analog of a trioid. Our paper is devoted to the study of verbal congruences on trioids. We characterize the least abelian dimonoid congruences, the least \(n\)-nilpotent dimonoid congruences, the least left (right) \(n\)-trinilpotent dimonoid congruence, the least \(n\)-nilpotent semigroup congruence and the least left (right) \(n\)-nilpotent semigroup congruence on the free trioid. The obtained results can be useful in trialgebra theory.


trioid, free trioid, dimonoid, semigroup, congruence

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12958/adm2274


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