On some linear groups, having a big family of \(G\)-invariant subspaces

L. A. Kurdachenko, A. V. Sadovnichenko


Let \(F\) be a field, \(A\) a vector space over \(F\), \(GL(F, A)\) be the group of all automorphisms of the vector space \(A\). If \(B\) is a subspace of \(A\), then denote by \(BFG\) the \(G\)-invariant subspace, generated by \(B\). A subspace \(B\) is called nearly \(G\)-invariant, if \(dim_F(BFG/B)\) is finite. In this paper we described the situation when every subspace of \(A\) is nearly \(G\)-invariant.


Vector space, linear group, module, \(G\)-invariant subspace, nearly \(G\)-invariant subspace

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